Strong Working European Doberman vs American Elegant Doberman, which is best for me?
Strength vs Elegance
The Black male on the left is Champion Unique Best of Island IPO1 ZTP V-1A
The Red AKC Champion male on the right is one of the top males at the prestigious Westminster Dog Show 2017
The Doberman on the left is able to do what Dobermans were bred for, Tracking, Agility (jumping tall walls) and personal protection Bite Work.
The American male on the right would be physically challenged performing hard protection work due to excessively weak front ankles a weaker loin and jaw.
Make sure you understand the Differences!
They not only Look Different, they ARE Different!
They have vastly different temperaments, drive and exercise requirements.
Are you able to train and handle a strong, often dominant and always Courageous Doberman?
Both are excellent Dobermans, just different.
So back to the question of what's the difference between an American Doberman Pinscher and a European or German Doberman .. they are actually quite different and now with the help of DNA we are learning just how different the two Dobermans are.
While both Dobermans are loved and cherished by many dog lovers, you don't see Germans or Europeans importing American Dobermans in droves.
However you do see Americans seeking out German or European Dobermans!
The main reason people call us nearly every day looking for a European Doberman is that they do not want the skinny, pointy nosed frail looking Doberman they now see for sale. They want a real dog, not some show dog reject.
I've had people call in tears after they purchased an AKC show bred Doberman Pinscher from top show breeders whose Doberman only got down off the couch and tore it's front pasterns requiring several thousands of dollars in repair. This would certainly have not been bred to be a Working Dog such as the AKC and FCI call Dobermans.
Dobermans are in the WORKING DOG GROUP because they are supposed to be a WORKING DOG.
The working character and strong temperament makes the German/European Dobermann NOT For Everybody, the American Doberman has been bred solely on the color of ribbon it can win trotting around a show ring for a couple of minutes and generally certainly no on it's working ability.
In Europe the Doberman is still bred for what it's intended uses are ~ A GUARDIAN AND PROTECTOR OF HUMANS~ The Doberman wasn't created to herd sheep, it wasn't created to be a cattle dog or pull a cart, it was bred to guard it's human and protect them from other humans!
Every Doberman puppy for sale at Unique Dobermans has been thoughtfully and carefully planned and considered long before the breeding has taken place. Your new Unique Doberman puppy (if you are so lucky to be chosen as one of our elite Doberman puppy owners) comes with a pedigree sporting German, Russian and European Dobermans full of world champion show dogs plus each one has been worked to at least a BH in Schutzhund, IPO, IGP, Family Personal Protection dogs, Therapy dogs, French Ring sports and competitions. What do all of these Doberman working titles and Doberman show titles actually mean to you as a "pet owner" that doesn't plan on showing or titling your Doberman puppy? EVERYTHING! Your new Doberman Puppy's parents have passed strict temperament testing, tracking trials to test their nose and scent capabilities and personal protection courage testing of their character and most importantly their nerves.
The genetics behind your Unique Doberman puppy shows that his genes are free of hip dysplasia, eye diseases, bad temperament and poor conformation.
A Doberman dog that cannot hold up to the extreme athleticism that is required to obtain working titles is a poorly conformed dog and will break down, a Doberman dog that is not readily and willing to immediately obey with a strong desire to please it's master is not a pleasant Doberman to live with inside the home and certainly will never be able to obtain these working titles.
If you have been looking for the best Doberman Family Guard Dogs, with a World Champion pedigree, Schutzhund, IPO, IGP, VPG and ZTP Working Titles in Personal Protection, Tracking, Obedience and Agility with Beauty and Brawn to match then give us a call, text, email or Facebook message.
Behaviour Differences in American vs European Dobermans
Excellent comparisons by John Walter, the creator of Doberman Planet
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